Sunday, January 02, 2005

iTs 3rD jAn!!!

i shall make this entry short n sweet!

sighh..have a strg feeling that im really falling ill again!since when my immunity has declined so drastically??its bad...its really bad as the year has jus started!sleep deprived n as usual bothered by diet n stuff...tink ive sm health n eating prob....sighh...but i jus cldnt help it...

todae went out with shanx n tingx but bfore that had two tuition...nearly died!hw siannx!!!for the past few daes or shld i sae since fri ive been out to celeb darius' bdae w lin von zhenhao...sat met up w 02s44 gals n we chatted till 11pm at the checkers cafe...todae w tingx n shanx at thai xpress..the fish tom yum soup was superb!but i felt xtremely bad as shanx din lyk the mango salad...btw ive been eating salad whereever i go!
haha..but dun mind im used to it n me guess my frans too! time i shant make/decide were to dine coz we always end up gg to places where i feel is not bad but they wnt enjoy it...n im always feeling xtremely guilty afterdat!

tmr is the start of another term...n the worst thing is that the first dae or i shld sae the first nitex im alreadi super packed...lect ends at 630pm...8pm rehearsal followed by dance at im gonna slp at 2am again....

the next daes ge is shiong...

fitting on wed!todaes n tmrs meals will b xtremely simple!do i haf a choice? no i dont...act. smtimes im wondering if im enjoying my life? depends act. i realli dunno...i may seem always cheerful n stuf lyk dat...but...... the sleepy mood n gg to zzzzin front of the comp!!! all those reading this entry!happy new year n may all ya
wishes come true n of coz my too!!!!!


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