Wednesday, December 29, 2004

e Year is ending!!!

havin been blogging for the past 4 daes...n ya guys mus be saeing:'she din update her blog!'

todae went out with my zuzu von n my grand zuzu lin!!!haha though we jus saw each other last fri,it still so wonderful to see em todae!!! whendid we gt so close to one another? our council daes n he uob daes!!!haha..lin...i admire her determination n her decisivenes n of coz her humour!!haha...von?forever
so hilarious...esp todaes zuo n you!haha..
really hope dat our frienship will last for eternity!!!!cheers to our 2 yrs friendship!!!heehee....(gotta see one another on fri again!!!) looking to it!hope u guys r too!

so sianx!schs starting sn....everything is gonna start all over again!but after comparing w lin...tink im in a better position:) phew! lin jia you!!!!(dis is nt meant to suan you k:)

btw,the yr has finally come to an end and i can proudly sae dat this holiae is a really memorable n well spent one!though hectic, its great! meant gd pple...nice companion n interesting activities! feeling a bit nervous nw!we onli haf 6 more wks to our perfomance!hope wnt gt stage fright...gosh!

jus in case ive no time to blog these few daes....jus wanna wish one n all a happy new year ahead!!!bye to 2004 n welcum 2005!!!oso do treasure n make full use of the last few daes!!!seeya guys sn!!!!best wishes!

Saturday, December 25, 2004

wat a coincidence!!!

yeah! ge xams over!!!haha shld b able to gt a c n abv bah!!haha...

bro-sis wing was last nitex...found out dat hes act. my direct direct senior...he was frm 00s44!! i was really really surprised!!!wad a coincidence!!!haha...hes so funny...

tink e guys r up to sth...haha...take photos oso so xcited...haha...n jerome is behaving xtremely weird...hey ya r gonna b my in hall's mummy qianyis 'husband'!haha....n thxs for the compliment though..but i wnt b a jiu mei!!!haha..

realised i do haf nice in vj seniors...he msged me to wish me gd luck for ge n merry xmas n stuf...a helpful soul...a good FRIEND!yah...i mean FRIEND....

din wanna reply his msg..hes trying to keep the conversation but im gtting irritated by his continuos pocohantas n jungle n nonsense...urghh...hope he will noe his limit!pls ive a limit too...can u get wad i mean? the impossible but fran fran bskt!

kkie..todaes xmas eve...meeting up w ct pals ltr! letting myself slip into comfort zone again:):)

hope sth will blossom soon....haha...schs gonna start sn!!!

blah...will gt more skirts frm mango if ive gt xtra bucks:)

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Xmas Time!!!

hmm...its finally Xmas!!!so xcited coz it means dat we r finally gg to meet up!lin, von clarence darius....gosh!so fun! haha...this yrs xmas is extremely cool...coz gt to juggle lotsa stuf...nw haf to mug for my ge exam on thurs....but im still takin it easy....haha...hope everythinake ang will b fine...

act.wanted to take the singing ge but huishan n mel decided on the elementary chinese...looks lyk ive gtta minor in chinese...hahai dun mind though...:)busy w nt xactly trgin as in im nt in the team...jus the a bit fake when i tell pple ive gt trgin...smoked my wae thru...i enjoy xcercisng but nt the competitive stressful!

but nw the most shiong activity is the numerous rehearsals for my halls special production next feb 18,19 sat,sun.....

hey gals n guys...mus go support me k!!!!!! buy tixs frm me!im selling...haha....its really a challenge as ive to sing live! no prior recording!haha plus mus learn hw to dance to 3 u guys mus cm n support my virgin shw...though its tough i din regret gg for the audition:) haha diet suppose to SQUEEZE into this skin tight orangr striped dress...gosh...dey saed i look good but i tink i mus still lose wt n tone up if nt....eeee...thurs suppose to go tg pagar to try out outfits...this bridal shp is sponsoring us:P haha...u guys see the these explain the diet plan...worse still! CNY no need to makan anithing alreadi....haf to protect my throat n coz figure:)

haha...hope that thurs will cm sn...i mean the time after the xam at 4pm...haha...den go try clothes n bro-sis wing dinner:) its a gift xchange session oso...haha..fri will be eventful oso....haha..its swimming dae plus tuition n dinner w councillors!!!

haha...watever...i will haf to b bk on sun for wk is shiong esp at, song, act it will b sch reopen...

dat dae i tried to update this..but i cant continue...i was afraid of him...after they all told me bt it..tried nt to b so close n nt lead him on...its jus so scary..tink its partly coz hes nt my jerry yens type...act. i hate myself but this kind of thing realli cnt force one...dun tell me if i cn tok to the persn fairly well ill haf to lyk him...its one wae nt mutual! i dun haf the feeling n hes nt in my basket of the possible...

haha he realises my msn nic....dese few daes we tok for sm time n he noes bt him....haha...hes nice but as a fran i tink...haha...qianyi!ill b ya matchmaker!he shld b a gd catch!haha..dun sae i nv gif ya gd lobang!ur nu er veri filial rite!

hahahe was frm vj....rep of my bro wing...sporty?ok lah in softball n halls dance...nt bad the possible bsktdin act notice or felt anithing till dat halls bash when seniors n frans were super obvious...i do feel quite nice when they suan...but sm times its off n cn b rather irritating when dey will link watever i sae to him....haha...for the past 2 daes we in went dn w daph to hillstreet,,,dey were doing their dnd stuf so i jus went dn to lk see lk see...haha...hey!u r a meanie!wat me to help else gt me a tighter dress!!!wat a threat! jus gg to take it easy n see whether it will lead to anithing...halleluah!

merry xmas 2004! :>

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

We finally met!!!!!

it yet another week!thot it will b quite a slack one whereby i cn go hm on thurs but apparently i cnt!!!! i jus cnt !!!! tinking of running off n nt support the bball gm on sun! urghh....
hafta cm bk jus for it!
n the worst thing is that im hafin a terrible headache!
i jus hate myself! i needa DIET!!!!! up w my tk cum vj kakis on sun!
we went to tingxs restaurant at bugis...hmmm..i mean the rest which shes wking for but the katong branch!haha...we gt free fd!!!sushi n handroll n her fran sharon was so nice....instead of ice water she gave us orange:) haha...we tok alot!
it so comfortable to see em!esp tingx n charmx!!!coz coz shanx shanx too!!!though i last saw her lyk on thurs! shanx is my best of buddy! dat dae was so comfy though we were complaining hw tired we were...we were bk to our usual mode...i felt as we were bk in jc daes whenwe hang ard twn lyk nobody's biz lazing ard cafes....gosh im allowing myself to be transformed to 2 yrs or 3 yrs ago!!!????

i jus wanna sae theres really everlasting friendship!!!!at least we managed to maintain it till nw!!! i never regretted gg to tk!realli ! n coz vj!!!where i gt to noe frans lyk weilin von...angela..clarence...darius emma....?dey r great pple! oh ya nt forgetting zhiyu!!!!!haha...this gal rocks! she n her boyfran....r in wonderland....haha

FRANS R FOREVER!!! TO ALL my frans outdere!!!esp these grps of pals ive mentioned!!!!ill try my veri best to b a gd fran!!seriously speaking im nt willing to let go of our franships!never n i PROMISED:)

toking bt boyfran!!!im happy for my meimei!!!shes currently gg out w her gor....trying out n seeing whether deres a possibility of getting tgt...i cn tell dat shes veri xciting n hoping dat they cn gt tgt:P meimei jiayou!!! though everyone saes uni has mani guys tink ur sis is nt dat fortunate lah...tink this applies to nus onli...btw im nt realli despo nw to find one...i dun mind being single...aniwae i have a lot of flaws n i dun tink i deserve to find one:( (sobx sobx) i may seem jovial n happy go lucki most of the time but no one act noes hw i act. hurts n i mean apparently it hurts!!!badly....its really painful....painful...i dunno again falling into a state of depression....but y?i dunno...i jus dunno...mayb im jus lonely... lonely.....

this yrs christmas is gonna b real interesting!!!3 christmas parties/gatherings 21st hall's one....23rd bro-sis wing...24th!!!meeting up w councillors!!!haha..hope the bro-sis wing's wnt b boring n realli pls pls seniors pls dun keep bringing up paiseh...n qianyi my dear mummy...i dun believe wat ya said dat dae...i jus dun!though its nice to hear dat n hes nt a bad choice...:P

its realli weird to hear his name popping up everytime i tok to u guys...even minute stuf can b easily linked to him!!!gosh....u gals ah...wanna b mei po oso dun be so obvious leh....aniwae ive no time for all dese:)haha...but seriously the feeling is nice...

though in hall ive heard of other pple liking n sm behaving oddly when im ard...but..i jus dun care lah...its jus so so tiring to bother...even walking the sch is so so tough...the stares the gazes....nt stand if im an alien walking ard w my fram huishan.....!!! freedom!sianx...smtimes even walking hm is a horror too:( bad!!!its bad! no wonder me mum has started to warn me n interfere w my dress co
is this part of growing up? n mei's frans..can ya guys stp asking y im nt attached yet?im realli nt dat great...k?though in hall dere r lotsa possibilities but i mus lyk oso wat...dun tell me gt pple admire den jus anihw accept meh?no no dats not me!!!my standard is jerry yen's wonder i still cant find one!!!haha......