Saturday, April 07, 2007


me n my good fran zhiyu!!yah 9 yrs of franship!!dats relli long my dear:) many more yrs to come ya??cheers!!!

me during 'in the mood for love'!haha..long overdue photos..but oh well still not too late i guess..this event is to celeb valentines day..haha..n hw cm its a photo of my sideview?go ask the hall's publication sec!!!haha..mus be the front cmi lahs!haha..but my hall senior saes they r well tken esp those in the hall's mag..haha..she said they r shi qing hua yi!!hhaa..hw cm i dun tink so??:P

hmm..this is snatched frm hall webbie..n so this event was held 2 mths ago--'in the mood for love'

hmm...lotsa of cravings especially when im studying..haha

shall go pw to mug this coming mon:) the fresh aroma of regular ice-blended mocha..yumyum, the sweet layered blueberry cheesecake,the chocolate of a thousands leaf, the mudpie..the original!oh no!mes suppose to do up my CS ppt but mes like hafing mental block:( informed quite last min. n mus send by tmr:( oh no..n its alr 1053pm!my bed time:( shall wake up at 530 to mug jap n complete the slides..but thanks joey for compiling..uve gtta jiayou n grad w us ahs!

guessed its in my nature to wanna be super prepared for everything especially for exams..yah n this is reflected in my tutoring style as well..feeling guilty for planning grad trip in such a way tt it will most prob coincide with their exams..sighh..cant be with them during the 'crisis' week..dats y mes gg to make it up for the cming 3 weeks..n worse still next week's classes will be reduced to one cos of 311 prep n ge exams on the dats like fewer time to help them out..however, its comforting tt me had finished the exam syllabus for one of them..gtta jiayou for her bro's...hopefully dey can do better..

gtta change this attitude of mine i guess..i mean it may be good to be prepared n always wanna be prepared..i hate hafing to plan stuff at the last min..cant really stand last minute stuff e.g. a sudden meetup out of nowhere..its my nature to plan i guess..i must noe exactly wad im gg to do or expected to do for the weeks to come etc..jus like ive always arranged mtgs way in advance with my friends, making sure tt they r way informed weeks or days before..yah so this me.. on second thots, in the wrking wrld it will be will hafta adapt to last min requests n wrk demands..really afraid tt me wun be able to cope with such changes..a panicky me will surface..oh man:( cant possibly tell the in-charge to book me beforehand right?haha..ill get hell i gtta change..give n take is the key i guess..

real tired these few days but m glad tt mes almost done with my 311 notes:) yippi so once the case is out on wed me shall wrk on it full fledge! shall complete my jap revision for next tues' n fri's listening n oral on mon..n tmr n mon shall complete the notes for 814 ..tues to fri will be mugging for 814 i mean memorising..with sat n sun focusing on 814 n 311..n shall do the third rd of revision for 814 n 311 on mon n tues..shall gif myself a break on 18th after 7pm n slack in hall to watch my girl..den its off to peoples park on the 19th to pay off the remainder of our pkg..n shall spend the next few days gifing tuitions n revise jap..n den!!its 25th alr!!!haha..

(decided to msg n isnt regretting..feeling good? mb)

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