Wednesday, March 21, 2007

UP-ing the stress adrenaline

everyone's starting to feel stressed up again..wad to do?its the exam time!yeah..n ive gtta agree dat the engine pple r definitely much worse than us! reading mei's blog as well as zhiyu's blog..even darius' blog makes me feel empahthetic twds in those many lab reports, tuts etc etc..not as if me dun hafta do tuts n churn out project reports..but theirs like an every week's affair so its alot much much terrible den mine!
hope u guys can manage n yesh!survive thru ya?

dun realli like my da bo mu to call us..i noe its rude but sometimes me realli feel like jus telling her dat me mum aint free or in..everytime she will update ,y mum bt the members' life of my paternal side..we aint close to em at all or to put it straight, we dun even wanna b in contact w em..okie its bt filial piety n suvh..mes tired ofhearing those stories repeating again n again especially when my mum is hafing menopuase now!wah bestest!its as if oil has been added to fire lahs..KAOS!non-stopping nagging at my poor dad..non-stop churning of the past..the victims?of cos us lahs..whilst we r all trying hard to mug our brains away in the little small spaces we can find at home..we wanna jump down n die tgt mans..mb dats y me n mei wanna go out n mug n yah..dat will be it in a week's time cos my papers r starting n me shall ask mei least go to our fav haunt to mug dere will be some peace..

yes mes portraying a rather ugly image of mum hafing menopause but dats only when shes aggravated n agitated..othertimes?oh well guess shes fine bahs..i dunno but we r afraid dat dad will blow up one day too..sometimes me thot tt it isnt dat bad an idea to keep in touch with grandma?ive nv called out to her since we moved out of dat hse..ive nv seen her since den..nv haf i seen or recog the rest of the family..nv in touch..for us we onli haf our maternal side uncles n aunties..a small small family tt explains my damn slack CNY visiting routine..haha

one thing to look fwd to this week is todays suki at CCK and fri/sat's NATAS fair to book our package to taiwan with mei n her frans!yeah!den its taiwan in early june!!will cm back n conc on teaching my tutors n prep em for their mid yrs..n hopefully dey will continue thru the june hols!den will haf income mahs..shans interested to go with my hall guys to hk in june..hopefully dey will be gg den might as well jus tagged alg..haha..den me gtta quickly save more to go to hk in june as well!haha..

meimei!work twds our hols k? dun put too much stress n pressure on urself..scary to read ur blog entries..seems like u will be exploding or really kill urself mans..scary..i dunno wad i can do to help u also..jus take care n lets go mug n slog tgt like wad we did for the past sems to prep for exams..after dat its the annual reward of 3 mths break!jiayou ger!!

okie time for a 2 hr mugging session bfore gg to meet yj n daph:)

oh yah!thanks hs for org a bday dinner next mon:) thanks alot for the effort esp when exams r nearing..din expect u all to rem:) so its real heartening..
n mel!thanks for the has nv org a bbq bdae before, thanks for offering kh's condo for a celebration..its the thot that counts..thanksthanks!!

im blessed with great and thotful frans! wanna thank u peeps for being there when i nid u guys:) kudos to all!n i hope i will be the fran u peeps will look for whenever u nid help or a listening ear! ill try my best to be a good fran:)


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