Sunday, January 14, 2007

24hrs is TOO LONG!

cant believe it cn be rather hard to pass a day! either sleep eat watch tv read a bit n have still some time left!wahs..m i slacking or issit really too long?hmm..

me n von were so bored tt we decided to meet in town n the end we did minimal shopping..zhenhao cm t meet us n we chilled at the NYDC outside heerens..hes still the vain as ever..haha..with his rebonded fringe n dyed hair..haha..oh well he will not b our zhenhao le..haha

walked down twn as usual n ended up at least it wasnt really a wasted trip as von managed to gt a G2000 top at a super low price cos it was hafing a clearance our day ended jus like u see dats hw we r leading our life..haha

today, at least me finished reading my 311 chapter one n me mus really start my mugging n studying routine cum engine!if not..ill die!haha..okie so its finishing tut bfore me meet shan for lunch at raffles place n heading bk to hall:P suppose to go swim tmr but its raining like crazi these few days n its gonna be damn cold!!me shall make it up by jogging on tue, wed n thurs n next mon hopefully it wun rain again!!urghh..excuses leading to procrastination..aiyos!

great to noe tt me aint as tanned as bfore n pple do realise it!haha..dats gd!yay!!shall keep it up!

too lazy to go ard shpping for CNY clothes..since ive gtten one dress alr tink me shall jus make do w my shirts n skirts..anw my new yr is jus slacking n resting at home..shall save the dollars n wear my wrking shirts at least i noe ill feel good n look good in them!haha..vainpot?cfm!!!

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