Friday, November 03, 2006


cool!!!im so so happy!!
had two sessions of KTV on 2 consecutive dayS!

finally our last presentation for the sem was over ytd!!haha..we r cfm the best team lahs!nv had so much fun wrking tgt in its jus quite amusing..e 5 of us gtta noe one another jus this sem to be exact 3 mths ago..n we behaved as if we havw known for years..dey r so approachable n i guess we r of the same frequency bahs..hhaa..most importantly tink kenneths the one whu gel-ed us tgt?haha..hes so funny..brotherly?or mb fatherly?haha..tink hes a veri funny n energetic fellow..

so us gers jus dashed into the toilet n gt changed out into our gg out clothes our pres was over..sians tink prof is bias against us..okie lorhs..but we dun care lahs..kenneths brought so mani things even his wireless keyboard!haha...his crumpler is super huge!!haha..immediately after class we dashed out of sch!!haha..we went crystal jade for lunch cos he wanna eat xiao long we went n the la mian was lyk so much n in the end guess other den kennie n rest of us jus gv up!n he ate lyk 7 xiao long baos lahs!!!crazi filling!he wanted to treat us but in the end we jus declined the offer..hw nice!!haha..we r close but nt close to tt extent i guess..haha..n we were all given names lah..hes kennie..yiing yng's yingying,lijing's jingjing, debbie's deb deb n mine? jo jo or he will sometime call me joleen funnie lahs..tink its this kinda of informality!
so went kbox at clementi!haha..n bestest!!we r all ktv freaks!!!tink all r regulars so r sang relatively well!!!haha:):) good good! thot hes zai but in the ebd he told us he goes ktv to jus listen!best lahs!!but we forced him to the ens as a SHE fan!all the sgs he sang were SHE's!!!haha..pengs..we were all lauging lyk crazi..bestest feat ytd!he sang one night in beijing w the falsetto n did a duet himself..the theme sg frm dunno hw long ago from shuang tian zhi zun!haha...deb video taped it!!so we shall post on youtube n bribe him!!! for 4 hrs n we refilled 15 bowls of tidbits!!haha..mus gt our money worth!!
conclusion?????!!!! we had tremendous fun!!!n its realli FUN!!haha..

this morn woke up earli to finish 2 chaps of 304 bfore proceeding to kbox at parkway w mei!!!!exposed to so mani new new sgs these 2 days n mes gg to master them all!!!duets n solos!! veri veri nice duets mus learn n make sure im super zai so tt me can force felix to sing next time!!!haha:) bet he doesnt noe!!dun care den its my time to suan him le!!!
realli luf singing w mei cos we cn sing lyk crazi!!shes always the one introducing the lastest n hippest sgs to me!!!heh!!n we always gv each other comments on hw we sded n ways to improve!nice!!lufing singing yuan dian n ah mei's zhen shi w u ger!!heehee...we shall go more more often after ur exams yeah?looking fwd!!mmm..okie as for now im looking fwd to a session w vonie on the 4th dec!!heh!!cant wait!i wanna go hark's cafe!!live on stage ktv!!best!cool!!okie tt ive to wait for yx?haha..den ktv's w my hall's freshies..hmm..tink dec is a singing season for me!!all these sesions n caroling camps n caroling seasons..ive been looking fwd to dec since uni cox me gtta go carol w pals in shpping centers n hotels!so cool but of cox will gt sick of the carols by the end of the month!!haha.. hint hint!!me nid honey water!!!haha!!!

immersing ourselves in our dreams..preparing ourselves for them..e feelings r back!im glad to be gg thru these w u, mei!!!thanks!!!:):) jus haf fun yeah?

as for now..its exams first!!!

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