Friday, July 21, 2006

rasta, rioja, shiva, krrydis!!!

din see him at the camp eventually..tink god is on my side as well..haha..its god's will?maybe.

the past 2 days were eventful dat im finally down with fever and flu..blocked nose n ears!haha..slpt the entire day today n im slpy again..waiting for the time to pass so that me cn take my next dose of medicine..sian..tmr mus still go gif tuition:(

it was fun gg bk as senior for the NBS camp..sort of regretted not gg bk earlier so i can gt to noe the freshies better!!wasted!haha..the gers r so young but some of them r so mature-looking!some even have attitude!ellos!no nid to attitude us lahs kids!!haha..we were so excited finding out whus the ger representing kyrrdis in this yr's pageant!haha tough fight!hopefully dey r sticking with duanjie..elegant looking i guess..oh well none of my business oso!

went bk with mel on wed for the perf..n was realli glad to see liying,sansan,danny,alvin,edmund,delvin,xiaohan,joseph and of cox our CGL yongxiang and grand seniors lydia n teckwee!!it was realli nice seeing all of them n i thot we enjoyed chatting n entertaining ourselves than watching the performances..onli paid attention to ours n cheering for em!n its cox of the continuous cheering that i had a bad sore throat afterdat!!nonetheless it was so fun so fun!!brought bk the times when i was still a freshie in the camp..though it was so tiring n shag..i had fun!!it was during then when i made many frans..did funnie stuff which me wun do usually..still remembered vividly that me liying n sansan bathed tgt to save time! funnie n me n liying were the first to wake up daily to put on our contacts n wash up cox we were the slowest!! funnie!we had fun for the last 2 days n it felt great toking to if we were bk to those days!

the sp interaction night was hilarious!!the freshies were blindfolded n dey were suppose to talk to each other..some had interesting conversations n we as seniors simply stood beside em n eavesdropped!!haha..a lot of us went to disurb kim peng n his sp..damn fun!!cox hes the best looker in our grp..sighh..he was frm jjc..n dun realli lyk the wae he portryaed superficial n shallow..eekss..not my type so this is a typical case when looks aint everything!haha..

reached aranda at 3am after the sp interaction..haha..started our traffic light gm at ard 4/4+am..haha..only one of em is ever-green!the rest were all red before..haha..wad m i doing mans?haha..interesting to find out whus attached n whus not n this yrs was spread out quite evenly..yinghan was the highest scorer amgst the senior guys n of cox joy wasnt veri happy bt it haha..n yongxiang gt at least 3 votes too!dats good!tink me gt one but aint cfm cox was alr dozing off alr..haha..kelly was so nice to lend us his car n danny drove us out to gt a cab at 6+. me was home n immed. concussed at 7 n wk up at 10am..dazed!

went to meet mel at chinatwn at 1230pm..good to see huishan there!!!hey babe!lg time no see!n i lyk ur shorts!!so pretty wanted to gt the skirt but too short lahs!!cfm gt stoned to death if me were to buy!!haha..luckily me bot the liang teh n my sore throat gt betta!hee..wasnt as fun as compared to last yr n ended so early that we were alr bk in safra at 3pm!hengs im a senior else haf to play those gmes n im sure gg to lose n be the one doing those forfeits!!phew! exhausted that me managed to squeeze in at least 15mins of slp..haha..while mel hafing slpt alot the night before was busy waking danny up!poor danny!!haha..finally liying cm bk n entertained mel..

the night ended when we had our fun tekan-ing the boys whu cm over to our grp in search of their sps..made them do stupid stuff n requested them to dance n sing..aiyos!CMI...cant sing or dance!haha..requested a guy to sing tong hua!haha..okie lahs..passable but still quite cUI!!hahatink the worst was a guy named jeffrey..a senior with super bad reputation..he lks detestable n was glad that teckwee was ard to 'kill' him!whu ask him to be so lecher-like?see his sp n thot hes a senior so hell haf it easy?no way mans..usually we will jus be lenient twds seniors but this one?no way!!hoped our freshie was alritex...hey we din choose this guy for u yeah?he chose u my dear..

wanted to go suntec for dinner w the rest of the seniors but it was alr 9+..ivor drove us..wanted him to drop me somewhere near my house so me cld tk cab home in the end he drove me home!!haha..thanks yah? so saved on cabbie fare..

haven realli planned the activitiesf for next week except for tues..will b mtg shanx tingx n charms for penang lunch buffet n guess we r gg to slack tgt as usual!!dats good,,i luf to hang out w em!gg to squeeze in an afternn for KTV most prob thurs i guess!whus onx?haha..mb shall ask weinee or yj..but dun realli feel lyk asking the latter lehs..shall see how

so weird..a few of us seniors were toking bt whus attached whus not n suddenly teckwee asked if im still evergreen..haha..yah lahs..aint it quite obvious?haha..n cnt std u guys toking bt off..even the juniors r harping over it..eeks.after a yr alr..not funnie lehs..hes so scary n he has super big ego!yucks..hes the last person me wanna see during camp!haha..oh ya forgt to mention me spotted this freshie named gary..din actually notice him till his name was mentioned a few times during the traffic light game..haha,,nt veri good looking but boyish cute..mel spotted another named timothy.. okie lahs boyish oso..both r bespectacled..haha..

time now is only 1128 n ive to wait for 12+ in order to tk my med..its isnt a good feeling to be sick!all i feel lyk doing is to slp n slp n slp..oh well one benefit i cld tink of is that i cn lose wt!toking bt losin for camps is another alternative!the food suxs..u play n walk ard n eat veri little! yeah?shall tk the opportunity to lose as much as possibe during the hall camp..i seriously dun wish to go..wun be as fun as NBS one i guess..

sighh 30mis more!urghh..

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