Friday, May 05, 2006

no more PA shopping PLEASe!

oH NO!it slipped my mind dat im supposed to got pantyhose(stockings)today as well!!aLAs!!wanted to proclaim dat im finally done with the PA shopping but den!!S***!!urghh..cant stand shopping for clothes which i dun like to wear, cant stand gg into those formal wear shops!ill rather spend my $ on my denim skirts!my pretty slippers r jus keep em in the bank!!jus dun lyk to wear lg sleeves..knee length skirts, carry leather bag n painful heels!put on makeup dat makes me look so so fake!!sighh..cant stop complaining how??urghh...

bought myself an off-white handbag for PA jus mel joey alvin n delvin went to town this afternn to shop for PA stuff!at least the guys bought stuff frm G2000 n me n joey gt our bags n joey her clothes!mel? din managed to gt her shirt cox its way to big!was so tired after that..haha..hmm..mb its only me..dey still can go catch a movie whilst mel went for foc main comm dinner!me? a piece of dead meat!!wanna fall asleep alr!im so glad im at home now..concussing soon!timecheck: 1041pm:)

yesterday went KBOX at marina Square..dunno y jus feeling super excited though ive been with them for at least 4 to 5 times?so weird!haha..n yah!i jus realised dat yj n felix r always so punctual..the other times when we were gg from sch dey were also early or at least on time!made me so paiseh! usual i was late!oopps!!ytd was no exception! was at bugis bfore dat n thot i was rather state the truth..was bt 3 mins off 6pm:P haha..(a bit late only wads)was at cityhall's ctrl n scanned through the crowd..thot dey werent there yet but whu noes dey were standing at the escalators!!!AHHH!!so im the last again!!sighh...ive never seen guys so punctual before!!really never!!so so on time dat im so embarrassed for being late 100% of the time which we've arranged to meet!tink its cox my other guy frans r mostly late n weve to end up waiting for eventually ive grown to assume that all will be late..hmm..ill try my very best n be ON TIME the next round we meet yeah? today also!!mel alvin n delvin were so early..ill definitely make an effort to be on time next time i meet my NTU pals!!stress sia:P haha...

hmm..ytd's KTV was only 3 hrs..haha..mb its bcox of the late timing that i nearly fall aslp twds the end of the session..n it was only 9+pm! yawns..but i did enjoy myself though..din sing much i guess! n next thurs night mes gg wif my sis!!its ladies night so no nid to pay cover charge! its wrk den KTV!wah!!n im FEELING GOOD cox one of my freshies gt a PArtyWorld Voucher!free for 4hrs n 10bucks off or sth lidaT!!wow!!!haha..thanks KEVIN!!haha..he said he wun need em n gifing to me! KTV AT PARTYWRLD!!for a KTV freak lyk me..its jus like WWWWAAAAAHHHH!!!!*beaming with joy*!!:) will organise a session with em again!!mb after our PA bahs or one of the holidays!:)

i dunno if i shuld blog this..mb ive given too many peeps this link that ive realised that dere r stuff which i cant really blog them down..hahs..n dere mb peeps whom i dun noe but r reading all these..nvm..blogging is nv a private thing!CFM!!

2 more days to PA n im gg to spend them by gifing TUITION!haha..yah no choice..its exam period for them so yah..

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