Tuesday, April 11, 2006


yah im jus simply amused..

its been ages since ive received any msges on my friendster. to me, my friendster acct. is jus for shw..today gtta cm online cox me was super tired of studying after numerous days of intense studying with my day starting at 6+am n ending at 11+pm/12am:( of cox napped a little here n there..

came online cox me gtta print my exams paper oso:( alas..sians..esp. when im not done with my revisionS!!tell me hw to be done when im onli able to atart full fledge last week?oh mans..haven started revision for my last paper..which is risk!tink im taking a risk n MUST start tmr else im risking of da-paoing:( no mans!!

my aim: 6Bs for this sem!!

gtting back to my main point..yah as usual checked mail n everything..
was a bit curious when i received 2 friendster notices- one is a new fran request the other? a msg...

yah a msg..a msg frm dunno whu mans!!his name is demian as shown..
im jus so amused, amazed, puzzled by this..i mean comeone can jus view ya profile online n jus try to 'hook' u up? okie..put it in a better way: try to get to know you..i tink its jus so absurd!!yah this is a high tech wrld..a wrld of connectivity etc. it happened last yr bfore i tink..me jus ignored..
as for this? was disgusted dat he typed almost a few length of stuff introducing himself to me..his height n weight..his hobbies, his occupation...

i dun remember posting anything asking for an arranged marriage or im not yet a member of SDU! so funny..was reading n thot it was jus so ridiculous!
someone whus 30, from nus biz-ad, wrking in the admin services...da da da..
jus so unbelievable...

first it was in a jap eatery in town
next it was a beng on the steet
a nus, bball guy in the neighbourhood
guys in campuses
poly, army guy at somerset
weirdo on the bus
even online?

wah?freaks sia!can spare me a little?

not gonna respond to his msg..n please dun lemme meet these peeps alr can?

freaking myself to the extreme alr!!
not only cox of my incomplete revisions, my exams, other personal feelings, even this kinda stuff?aiyos!ive better stuff to do mans!!
lately, been exposed to alot of news on children being raped by their own fathers, strangers..women/girls being raped or violated..raped by banglah..even theres a rumour saying dat a gal went jogging alone at night got raped by a banglah wrking in school!alas!wads more?peeping in hall 8! the more i read the more afraid i am!
these made me more determined to NOT stay out when night falls!unless im with my parents..:(

paranoid..living in this kinda of environment is cfm making me go crazy..
even in the day im lyk very wary sia..so wary that i jus feel lyk cooping myself at home..not even wanna step out..yah not even..

the kids, the boys, the guys, the men r jus gtting too despo!
u guys out dere mus be trying hard to defend urselves?
im not directing this to my frans..its a general comment, an observation which iv made..dun ask me how i cant to it..at the same time no point denying also...

my fear for guys is growing..jus feeling so insecure..tink its becox of the reports, the experiences, the encounters, they are all cming back to haunt me!
im retreating into my safety hole..my lifeline..at least i wun gt hurt physically or mentally or emotionally..

its time for bed n its 1238am..38mins past my scheduled slping hrs:)

mb i shld change n call myself cinderalla instead!haha..

tmrs will be another day of intensive mugging!!

jiayou everyone!!
n thanks alot for msging..ya gtta jiayou too!!
rest well and i believe u can do it again!!

goodnight n may god bless all of us:)

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