Friday, January 20, 2006

oh pls be careful!

tinking of blogging as im still waiting for my files to be downloaded!urghh..dunno y cant open!

thanks zhiyu for ya comment!thanks alot!
im so glad dat ive a fran lyk u!

ytd was mugging and halfway i heard a collison jus outside my block..i looked out of my rooms window..and i din realised they were my hall pple..mb i cun recog the guy whu was facing me..
i was really shocked partner!realli shocked that its you whu gt involved in the accident!
alas..was so stunned..cun help u in so sorrie..
hmm..pls be careful!u r still young dun jus expose ya life to such risk yeah?so worrying..sighh..

nw im so vexed..dunno which company to choose for my prof attachment this sem..sians..tink ill choose pwc and a bank..citibank?

yawns...sians tink ill try to dl tmr..its still nt pissed!

charmaine!get well soon yeah?pls pls be careful!!

1 comment:

chikini said...

heyys partner! thanks for ur care and concern. i'm good. still alive and kicking! hehe. it was juz a freak accident yeah. thanks of ur help dat day. really appreciate it..hehe..