Sunday, February 20, 2005

tOdAE iS e eNd..bUT iTs nT fOR e frieNDShIP fOrgED!!!!

act. wanted to blog yesterdae but was super tired...urghh...cldnt believe dat i slpt at 530am the dae bfore...oh no!!!
mus gt back all my beauty slp this cming recess wk!!!!if nt...gosh!!!!
yesterdaes performance werent up to me owns satisfaction...i mean my own part..TODAY mUS AND CAN DO IT!!!!

after today 1030???everything will be over..real over...haha...but its a great more packed suns...haha...but kinda miss the practices sm times...

sort of lking fwd to after perf...we r gg to spend the nitex tgt!!!! fun...lg time nv go out late alr.!!!!yippee!!!!

kkie...betta gt prepared to meet in 1/2 hrs time...n all mugging activities will start in MON!!!this mon!!!!n of coz projS!!!!n EXAMS!!!!

god bless us all!!!!

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