Friday, January 07, 2005

hOME sWEEt hOme tMR!!!!

act. wanted to blog yesterdae but as wat u cn see i onli managed e title...sianx
sleep super earli yesterdae lyk ard 1030pm n woke up late at 930am...but still tired:( so ended up slping again at 1130am to 1pm after reading a few pages of biz law text:) haha...went for lect n cm bk to continue the routine....urghhh!

haha...finally finished the first dance n we were polishing the dance movements...cnt imagine dancing in the gowns n the 2++ high inches heels!!!me so clumsy!urghh!!!!

am not satisfied w my performance:( dun seem to rem where the leg is suppose to be:( sighh...todae my partner charmaine isnt here so hafta dance w 'the air' stressed to do dance!i mean our song!mus be more bitchy!daring!!!the stage belongs to me!!!no one cn act rosie but me!!!!these r the stuff which i needa tell myself constantly...i mus do it n i can do it!!!!

thot wll have a lg wkend to pia my tut but mus cm bk for rehearsals on sun...sighhh...I MUS DO MY BEST N NO MISTAKES on sun!

act. me n daph wanted to go run nw!!!i mean nw!!!but tired so its gonna b tmr morn instead:)
yesh!!!!good good!!!to lose wt fats watever!!!i jus needa lose em all so dat i cn fit nicely into the gowns which i tried yesterdae!!!chose 2 silver gowns:one is a tube kinda gn e other is a super high collared one...nt bad i tink!
haha...therefore to look betta mus lose wt!haha...signed up for aerobics classes!gd!with daph!
haha...act. instead of the tube i wanted a corset look alike pretty...haha...but pple using it for cnt:( a little disappointed but nv mind lah...haha

the best thing was!!!!!we saw thomas ong!!!!yes!!!thomas tian cai...the mediacorp wang tian cai!!!i act. tok to him!!!!cnt believe it!we were in his shp(we believed to b co-owned) den he suddenly....we jus froze!!!really froze!!!haha

so shuai!!!!gosh!!!act. i saw him upfront at the scent shp...that time i toked to him oso!!!haha...i remed he asked if ive lavender oil...haha...oh my god!he simply so friendly!no air!!!but one thing he smokes...n i HATE people who smokes!jus dun smoke in front of me!!!! uni lotsa pple smoke...wads up w em i oso dunno....

kkie...let me consolidate my thots bfore i ko.....1) needa finish tut n readings 2) needa realli diet n lose wt--- veg+fruits+milk+cheese+prunes+little carbo...3) exercise!

too busy to tink of it act. but deres no progress watsoever...seems to take note of my feelings,nics n stuff...can sense sth-get me time+study+results....

this sem's aim!!!!


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