Tuesday, November 30, 2004

2nd wk of hols trgin

i jus ant understand y time passes so rapidly when exams r over...haha
ing ro
this is my second wk of hall trgin...n all my other activities lyk choir, rd relay,vball trgins...ge, cming up will be the hall's musical beauty world...im xcited coz ive nv acted before...im acting as rosie i tink...haha...though nt the lead but shld b quite fun...since its a musical so gt to sing!!!
haha!im afraid ill gt stage fright!
ive so mch to write!i mean type....
haha i shall start w last wed...
went for my hall's bash at boom boom room at china sq....sighh...suppose nt to drink in the end drank two mugs of beer coz ganna sobohed by seniors to play a stoopid gm!
urghh...my partner was supposed to blow up 3 balloons n burst em while the gals r suppose to drink....shit lah...the balloons r of gd quality lah!!!!in the end i finished the 2 mugs n he in even burst one..haha...thot i wld throw up terribly but i din...onli puke foam disgusting...
throughout the whole nitex dey were trying to pair darren n me...gosh!
i acted as if i was drank so i dun care...but dey continued even up till nw!!!
yes!!!i mean nw!!!
in hall!!!haha...act. i do tink dat hes a nice guy was frm vj.. hill street's floor rep...jovial n responsible....hahai mus agree dat i haf quite a positive impression of him...at least till nw...haha...for vonnie:if ya r reading dis entry...i can tell ya dat hes in the'possible' basket...haha..seniors r realli trying to bring us together which is lyk quite awkward lah...haha but im letting things be n taking it easy...haha
im so xcited!mei's prom is on thurs n me n shanx r gg dn to help her do her makeup!
haha...so late n im still nt slpin...yawnx...i mus finish this entry first!

yah as i was saeing...mei's dress is veri pretty...a black tube assymmetrical dress which cost onli 49 n a choker 14.9!haha...i choose one leh!!!heehee...ill gt to borrow frm her!yeah...onli if ive a chance to wear them!
oh yah!!!im on a diet n i betta stick to it!!!!urghhh!!!!

hmmm...5th dec is finally cmin!!!
charmx n tingx n shanx we r finally meeting again!!!i realli realli realli miss ya guys alot!!!!realli alot!!!hope u guys r feeling this wae too!i jus simply cnt wait for sun to cm!!!!!realli!!!

this wk gt carolling aon fri n sat n im super xcited n worried dat it wnt turn out well cox its my first time having a public performance....scared!haha

i wanna buy clothes...i mean skirts...haha..but gt no money so hope that tuition will start sn!!!

yawnxx...tired nw...sleeping le...:)

Sunday, November 21, 2004

to sch again?

i realli dun understand why time past xtremeli fast when exams r over...last sat was jus the start of my 1 wk HONEYMOON n nw ive to b bk in sch on mon again...

haha..but i chose it wad!U STUPID joleen!!!!
pple hols enjoy can slack at hm...but u? chose to participate 'actively' in hall stuf?
haha...jus can't stand u!!!!

haha...nw im toking to weinee on msn!!so so happy! haha...
also dun haf the mood to carry on mayb next time bah...haha
cnt wait for em to finish their exams!!!i wanna meet my FRIENDS!!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Saturday, November 13, 2004

its freedom again!!!

haha...todae is vonnie's bdae!!!jus cm bk after meeting my ct pals!!!real glad to meet them!!!haha..

4 weeks+ ago i was still muggin n nw its finally over!!!
though i know its been hard,the results will not turn out well:(
seriously speaking,i dunno y it was lyk dat....anw its back to freedom n im enjoying every moment of it!
phew!!!let me get sm rest n start the next sem afresh!!!!

before i cm bk....(suppose to bus)met grace,jon,kelvin,nick n zhao...haha...dey looked the sm...as cheeky as ever...haha....dun understd wat nic said- go lah he ask u le...n suddenly...jon / ? mentioned THE name!!!!the name which me n vonnie most dread---stanley!!!!
gosh!hope watever fiona said wnt be true im scared!urghhh....
act. im hafin 2nd doubt abt next meeting next wkend....wat if he appeared?coz zhiwei, tecko, maybe shaun n him are in the same clique....eee....im realli fearful....haha..shld i act as if nothing is gg on?haha....watever...tink will ask whos gg lah....but vei bad le...he din do anything oso wat:P
never mind lah jus go n meet n see hw...e most dun care him lor...

im waiting for all my pals to finish their exams so dat we cn haf fun together!!!!haha...yeah....but ill b super immersed in hall stuf frm 22 nov onwards...choir,sp,ihg,ge...aiyo....haha
but anything is betta then mugging for exams

hee....may everything turn out well!!!haha....

btw im in von's bachelorette club!!!y? mei ren yao...haha
act. im yearning for my first r'ship but tink i wnt b able to commit n ill lose the freedom which im enjoying nw...haha,wat an irony!!!!
wat if keith takes the first move?haha...hope nt...